Dismissal Notes and Bus Passes

Dismissal Notes
If you child is involved in an after-school program (i.e, band, chorus, girl scouts), you may send in one note for the duration of the program. For example, if your child signs up for Chorus every Tuesday, you only need to send in one note for the program stating that your child will be attending Chorus every Tuesday.  Your child's name will be placed on a permanent list for that program. If your child is not going to attend on a particular day, then you should send in a dismissal not to inform us of the change. This one-note system applies to a consistent dismissal event.  If you are going to pick up every Friday for the year, you can send in one note. We hope this new system will make it easier for parents and staff.  Please click here to access the form for dismissal notes.

Bus Passes
Bus Passes authorize the school to let your children take a different bus than they normally do. Please see the school district's transportation web page for up-to-date information under the Bus Pass Policy and Forms section.   

There will be no parent pick-ups in the office between 3:00-3:20 PM or 12:30-12:50 PM on early release days. If you need to dismiss your child early, please pick up by 3:00 PM or 12:30 PM on early release days.
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